Sarah Aylett - Personal Trainer


Sarah has worked in the fitness industry since 2008, but health and fitness have been her passion for much longer.

Her key aspiration is to educate, encourage, and empower all individuals to make long-term lifestyle changes to achieve their health and fitness goals.

As a busy working mother, she understands many of the challenges people face to achieve their goals and her mission is to encourage others to work hard to achieve their individual goals.

Sarah has experienced her own challenges and found that fitness was a catalyst for huge change. It supported her through difficult times, and she now wants to encourage as many people as possible to use it as a tool for their own journey.

Sarah is also an online coach which, in addition to her Personal Training and Nutrition qualifications, and as a Hyrox Instructor, means she is committed to educating you in making a long lasting and valuable change to your life.

She believes that feeling good is the GOAL and looking good comes as a result of feeling good.

To book your personal training with Sarah please email


Kay Cole


Claire Newell - Personal Trainer